Puppy Kisses

The dog is the perfect portrait subject. He doesn’t pose. He isn’t aware of the camera. ~Patrick Demarchelier

How adorable is Toby?! This little guy is full of energy and will exhaust you before you can exhaust him! The quote above might apply to most dogs, but not Toby. He wanted to eat the lens the majority of the time I was with him. Enjoy!


So This Is Love…

My heart has wings and I can fly
I’ll touch every star in the sky
So this is the miracle that I’ve been dreaming of
Mmm mmm mmm
So this is love


A few weeks back I got to spend an extended weekend in Southern California. The weekend was jam packed with activities such as avocado picking from a backyard tree (I almost didn’t come home for this exact reason…), seeing and meeting Disturbed in concert, photographing the CUTEST pug EVER (more on that later…) and also…photographing two amazing friends with huge hearts.

I became friends with Steve & Stephanie through a little photo sharing app called Instagram. Yup. We are all die hard Disney fans – they are the lucky ones that live in SoCal and can go all the time. 😉 When I told them that I was going to be in California and wanted to meet up, I offered to do a photoshoot for them. Little did I know that they were going to be surprising ME! They ended up taking me to DISNEYLAND with them! (Insert excited emoji here 😉 )

We walked endless steps through both parks, drank our way through DCA, and laughed so hard that we cried while flying through space. While we enjoyed our time together in the parks, I snapped some of my absolute favorite photos added to my portfolio to date.

What I love about these photos, is that it actually captures the real S&S! Please enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them. Hopefully there will be more Southern California shoots in my future. 😉


Amanda & Brody

Amanda and I have been friends for as long as I could remember. In high school we spent endless nights eating pizza while watching a never ending supply of movies. We went to the football games together, got snowed in at my grandparents, and so many other memories. It was so fun to get together with her to photograph her and her son, Brody. I remember the day Brody was born as I was able to be there. It sure has been a crazy ride for Amanda & Brody – but she has handled everything life has given her like a champ! Enjoy your photos Amanda!

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